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Home / Durant Mercantile / Mother’s Day Handprint Sign

Mother’s Day Handprint Sign

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This Mother’s Day sign can be designed for up to 4 handprints. Each handprint featuring the child’s name in the stem of the flower. The size of the sign will vary depending on the number and size of the handprints. Older and more children will have a larger sign than smaller and less children. The sign pictured is 15”x17” and features the handprints of 2 older children (8 and 11 years old). When ordering, please choose how many handprints you will need in total and then put the following information in the notes of your order:
Children's’ names
Size of largest child's hand. For example, the blue hand is 6”x6”
Paint is not included buy can be upon request at no additional charge. If you would like paint, please also list the colors you would like.
Phone number for any questions.
All signs will be ready May 12 unless otherwise specified.